rosemary wes

choate rosemary

rosemary wes_choate rosemary

翻译一句话,机器免扰,谢谢! —— 政府禁止登报悬赏目击证人,想避免导致类似著名判例:Rosemary West案中证人被收买的发生。

鑻辫闀块毦鍙ュ垎鏋 —— 绛旓細The government is to ban payments to witnesses by newspapers seeking to buy up people involved in prominent cases such as the trial of Rosemary West.The government is to ban payments to witnesses涓诲彞 by newspapers seeking 瀹氳 to buy up people 鐩殑鐘惰 involved in prominent cases suc

语法专家进! —— 1、 The government is to ban payments to witnesses by newspapers seeking to buy up people involved in prominent cases such as the trial of Rosemary West.此句的seeking是用来修饰newspaper的,by newspaper这一部分又是来修饰witnesses的。2、 But specialization was only one of a se

请教,这个句子中的这个成分是什么? —— seeking to buy up people involved in prominent cases such as the trial of Rosemary West 就是用来修饰 newspaper的。The government is to ban payments to witnesses by newspapers which is seeking to buy up people involved in prominent cases such as the trial of Rosemary West.把 seeking

这句话中by newspapers是什么意思?谢谢 —— 这里的by其实是在报纸上刊登有报偿地支付证人的形式,有通过这种形式的意思。问题不是警察通过这种形式,而是包括警察在内的各种人。ban是谓语,policeman是主语,而后面的newspapers是定语,而不是状语。也就是说,警察禁止任何方以刊登报纸的形式有奖寻找目击证人。

赏10分求一部外星生物侵袭人类的恐怖片的名字 —— Rosemary's Baby / 失婴记 / 魔鬼怪婴 Mia Farrow / John Cassavetes / Ruth Gordon / 美国 / 罗曼 波兰司基 (Roman Polanski) / 失婴记 / 艾拉 莱文 (Ira Levin) / 罗曼 波兰司基 (Roman Polanski) / 英文 在【罗斯玛丽的婴儿】这部电影里,冷酷与优雅天衣无缝地长在了一起。 The Shining / 闪灵

电影《乱世佳人》的专业评论 —— 绛旓細Will Benteen (Tara's "man of the house"), Rhett's sister Rosemary Butler, and Scarlett's uncle and lawyer Henry Hamilton were eliminated On the night of the Shantytown raid, Melanie read from Charles Dickens' David Copperfield rather than from Victor Hugo's Les Miserables A nationwide

Lisa.S的个人资料? —— 状况:lisa s是香港个性模特之一,虽然新闻不及Maggie Q 、Rosemary Jocelyn.L Rhyne.N等,但却成功收服偏好模特女友的吴彦祖。其实身高178cm的lisa s曾拍摄过很多的平面广告,深受国际时尚品牌的青睐!婚姻:于2010年4月6日在南非与吴彦祖举行婚礼 Lisa S 突然间被公众熟知,当然是得益于男友吴彦祖的

寂静岭电影里面的女教主的英文名字叫什么? —— 绛旓細"Dream West" (1986) TV mini-series Jessie Benton Fremont "Murder, She Wrote" Nita Cochran (1 episode, 1985)Wallenberg: A Hero's Story (1985) (TV) Baroness Lisl Kemeny King David (1985) Bathsheba "Ellis Island" (1984) TV mini-series Bridget

《大话西游之月光宝盒》简介英文版 急! —— 绛旓細spring thirty Niang ordered group of bandits to find three moles of a foot. At night I will use rosemary or spring thirty Niang, but it is a spider body. I alone into the spring house, found a white clear and bright (Karen Mok decoration), I fall in love at first sight